
Getting real in LA


Over the holiday weekend, I was able to have some new adventures with my kiddo and friends. I brought along my two friends from the Navy, Tony Coffield and Arthur Marquez, along with my two graduating students, Esteban Robinson and Adriana Guidino. They are all super creative and insightful in all that they do. I love to work off of other people and see what they come up with when we are all in the same location. They came up with some creative and insightful compositions and I was amazed!!! We ventured off to the Abandoned LA Zoo, which had some colorful boundaries. Then headed to Hollywood for lunch and the LACMA. It was free because of the holiday, which was great! But I mainly wanted to run through the Urban Lights with Savannah. We had a great time and it was great feeling to be amongst people who motivate you and help you to get out of your funk! Enjoy the fun shots!!!



Savannahs Fourth Grade Photos

Savannahs Fourth Grade Photo are here! I couldn’t wait! I struggled with this year’s concept and had to brainstorm a lot for this one!!! But I am so excited with the results!

We often struggle these days with raising our kids to be the best and strive to introduce them to so much. Always college prepping and over booking every single detail in their day. We have become the generation of ” helicopter parents.” We forget that they are kids, and they need to have FUN! 

But this year Savannah wanted to choose every activity in this photo. (except swim.. she wants a swim team that swims in the ocean and be FREE!!) She wants to try everything and I respect and admire that about her. She is a resilient and tenacious kid and I know that she will find her niche and love what she does, but for now, I just want her to enjoy being a kid. smile emoticon

Yes, she is in Soccer, swim, piano, violin, Continuing Catholic Development, paints and draws and not to mention she is a pretty awesome Fourth Grader. She is amazing and often inspire me. I would say she is  what you call a “Multipotentialite” Thank you to my amazing team, Esteban Robinson and Adriana Gudiño!!!